Christian Science on Florida's Space Coast — Explore Spiritual Ideas and the Science of Christianity

Sunday Service

Our Sunday service is at . This service provides an atmosphere for prayer and for listening to a Bible Lesson that promotes healing. The Bible Lesson is composed of citations from the Bible and Science and Health. Each service includes hymn singing by the congregation and an inspirational solo.

Wednesday Meeting

Join us for our Wednesday evening testimony meeting at . This meeting includes the singing of hymns and brief readings from the Bible and Science and Health on a timely subject. Those in attendance are invited to share testimonies and remarks on how the teachings of Christian Science are applied in their daily lives.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School meets at and is open to students up to the age of 20. Sunday School instruction is based on the Bible—beginning with the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation, and the Sermon on the Mount. In class, students learn of God’s love for them, and how the spiritual and moral teachings of the Bible and Science and Health can help them every day, in every situation.


Infants and children who are too young to attend Sunday School are cared for lovingly in our nursery by an experienced adult.